Our band is called MAGIC BULLETS

Wednesday, September 29, 2010


Facebook to the future!

Check out our BandPage on Facebook! You can listen to our music and see when we're playing next, etc. without all the spam that other sites have! CMJ SHOWS ARE POSTED!!! GO GO GO!!!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

James Honeyman Scott (4 November 1956 – 16 June 1982)

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


Thank YOU New York and D.C.!!!

We're back in the Bay Area now after what has been one of the most fun/exciting/successful/eventful and altogether brilliant trips we have ever taken! HUGE thank you's go out to everyone who made this East Coast trip such a blast!! Thanks to George and Dan at WFUV, The GlassLands Gallery, Jake at PopGun, all the bands we played with at GlassLands, Eavvon and the rest of the film crew, Mike and Abbey at Virgin Radio, Marjorie at Permanent Records, Timmy at East Village Radio, Emily Beaver, Pianos, all the bands we played with at Pianos, Dev, Diego the crazy cab driver, Tyler and Caroline and Jason, Reese at WMUC, the nice folks at the Black Cat, Marlowe, Andy, Brooklyn Vegan, and everyone that came out and danced and smiled (and made us smile) at our shows!!! And finally, a SUPER SPECIAL thanks to the lovely Mona Dehghan, to whom we are forever indebted for all of the help she's given us and kindness she's shown us! LOVE YOU MONA!!

East Coast people!! Please don't forget us! We will be back in October for CMJ and we would absolutely adore seeing your smiles again at any of the shows we play!! We shall dance again!!!

xoxo, MB

photo: brooklyn vegan


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